When we discovered at the borders
of our properties an ancient
abandoned vineyard named
Argena, in the heart of the forest
between Calcione Castle and
Gargonza Castle, it was love at
first sight.
With passion and dedication years
were devoted to the recovery of the
vines: Instead of following expert
insights suggesting a total
reimplant, we took care of the old
vines starting by protecting them
from the wildlife trough a solid
After few years of wise natural
fertilisations, capable regenerative
trimmings and improving the
surrounding natural area
recovering ancient drywall
embankments and natural spring
fountain, the vineyard started to
recompense us with grapes of
impressing quality and strong
Beautiful colour, light but
elegant. Perfume very
balanced, “classic” in the
sense of cleanliness and
neatness. Composure
of the fragrance with
intact youth’s sprint,
elegant and
Vinařství Orlandini, Trequanda – Siena
Apelace IGT
Odrůda cuvée
Ročník: 2004
Alkohol 13,4 %
Objem 0,75 l
Zbytkový cukr 2 g/l
Kyselinky: 5,9 g/l
Siřičitany: 55 mg/l
Teplota podávání: 16 – 18 C
Vhodné párovat s grilovanými masy, steaky ale i vyzrálými sýry.
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